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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mind Mapping by Hank Quense

I found a wonderful article about mind mapping our novels in this week's Savvy Authors Newsletter.  Here's the link: http://www.savvyauthors.com/vb/content.php?2056-Mind-Mapping-a-Novel-by-Hank-Quense.

Even as a pantster, I can see me doing this.  It is more like brainstorming--so my right brain is happy--but with a purpose, a focus.

Plus I like his tip about assigning emotions to each of your characters.  This reminds us in each scene what response we are looking for from our readers.

Also Quense's descriptive phrase for his characters makes sense to me, especially as we write more and more novels and maybe with more people inhabiting them.  As he explains, it is harder than you think to apply this two-word label.  But that's just it, isn't it?  This way we get to the heart of each of our guys.

Anyway, enjoy the article.  It contains illustrations which help show us the idea in action.  Have fun with it!

Denise Barker, author + freelance copy editor + blogger
Good Ole Boys, a love story at http://amzn.to/GoodOleBoys


  1. Hi Denise

    Thanks for posting about my article. I'm happy to see you enjoyed it

    1. Actually, my first application will be using it "backward." I've got a short story (just thirty-six pages) that I need to do a Final Edit on. Well, I'm gonna use your Mind Mapping technique to make sure I've evoked emotions, have my characters staying true to their assigned roles, etc. As a pantster, I find it an extremely interesting tool for use before I write something as well as afterward. Great stuff. Thanks again.
