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Friday, December 6, 2013

Texas Weather

As a Deep South gal, never having lived above the thirty-fourth degree north latitude, I'm enjoying my icicles and the long weekend freeze we are set to experience. By Sunday our high should exceed freezing. But it won't be until Thursday before both our high temps and our low ones top that critical thirty-two-degree mark. Per the most recent info on weather.com.

I'm lucky. I'm one of the DFW residents who has heat, electricity, Internet, with food and water to last throughout this cold spell. I do have a huge forked tree limb down that the weather pruned for me overnight. Funny, it was from one of the trees losing its fall-colored leaves, not any from the many evergreens I have in my yard.

So if you don't hear from me later today, you'll know probably what happened.

We had sleeting rain yesterday, starting earlier than forecasted at about 1:00 p.m. here. We had more early this morning about 6:00 a.m. when I first woke. I can see about three inches of accumulation on my neighbor's roof. But in the empty large flower pot on my patio, about seven inches' worth is in there.

I'm guessing of course. I'm not opening my outer doors to let out my heat nor to let in the cold. Although once dawn came, I did exit from my garage to inspect my broken tree limb. Strangely it felt warmer earlier this morning than it did about 9:00 a.m. yesterday when I ran to the grocery store for provisions. Maybe it is because there is no wind at this time.

It is not unusual for us here in Texas to get a blast of winter early. I once had a person ask me when the Texas summer ended, having just moved to our great state. Someone had erroneously told him that August cools off here. Nope. Not hardly. I've found we don't have temps below 101 until after Labor Day. Then we can usually expect eighty degrees for Halloween so the kiddos in their plastic suits are not going to be comfortable. Afterward there is always the chance that our first snow of the two later seasons will occur on Thanksgiving. Or you could wear shorts. It's a toss-up.

Once we have that first blasting preview of winter, later when it's officially become that season, it warms up a bit. Just to keep us on our toes. And to prevent boredom from consistent weather patterns. Ha!

I love Texas.

I have another CP from New York originally who is trying to fly out of DFW International Airport into her home state. Not looking good at either end right now. I hope she gets to visit her family.

Stay warm, folks.

Denise Barker, author + blogger + copy editor

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