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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A Financial Backup Lessens the Stress and Worry of Freelancing

As a freelancer, I find my worries and my stress are greatly lessened when I have a financial backup. If single, one way is to live with a roommate, who will share in all living expenses. This could be with another freelancer (hoping your slow months are not the same but weathering them all the while). And/or you can get a "day job" (even if a part-time position at nighttime or an online gig).

Another way is to have a credit card for those slow months where you need a couple hundred bucks to tide you over until the next freelancing project comes in. While I hesitate to offer this suggestion, keep in mind that the best way to use a credit card is to never use it. The second-best way is to pay it off monthly (or at least before the 0% interest expiration date). Don't take cash advances as the interest rates are exorbitant.

Remember: look more to long-term solutions than to quick fixes (or at least a mix of the two).

For some freelancers, PayPal's line of working capital might work for them. It doesn't for me. I'm a service provider, not attending conferences or making purchases of costly equipment or with any employees to pay. So those big-ticket items (seemingly covered by an injection of capital) aren't involved in my business as a copy editor.

Just like decluttering your house can ease back on those interrupting and nagging to-do/should-do thoughts, having a financial backup can lessen those distracting worries and disabling stressors, keeping you working and focusing on more productive endeavors.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by Florence. God bless you all.

Welcome to My World, Where Every Day Is a Saturday

Denise Barker, Author, Blogger, Copy Editor
Books that Build Character(s)


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