Quote of the Day

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Friday, March 2, 2012


I love this idea of pinning photos of our fav things to online cork boards per category.  Basically that is what those twenty bankers boxes in my utility room represent--just not organized yet.  As an author, I've saved mountains of story ideas for places, people, plot lines, pets, etc., to be incorporated into a novel at some future time.

As a cook, I collect recipes.  Am working on an e-cookbook to release "soon."

As a person, I collect quotes.  You can see my volume one collection online at Amazon and B&N.  Already working on volume two.

This is like those dreams boards I meant to create for each of my goals, but never did.  Pinterest is easier in the sense you don't need poster boards and glue, plus magazine and catalog clippings from years past.

This newest social media is addicting, as I can find myself hunting up stuff to pin to my under-construction Pinterest boards, then reminding myself I have work to do.

Again, as a novelist, I could create a story board for a WIP (work-in-progress book).

Plus Pinterest represents probably our most utilized sense and brings our visualizations to life.  How amazing that this one site combines so many things touted within the self-improvement mind-set.

Repinning several pics from another's boards can be done much faster than one tweet.  Certainly in less time that one of my posts can be published here, or adding to our FB wall.

Not sure when it was first birthed into action, but I initially saw it mentioned within a thread in NaNoWriMo 2011 and more recently among LinkedIn.

Anyway, I've been good about avoiding online games so I can spend my hours more wisely.  Yet, not so good about my Pinterest time.  However, this is the learning curve induction and I'm enjoying getting acclimated to the new setup.

What do y'all think of Pinterest?  Been playing with it, too?

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