I made a major career move almost five years ago. I had been a well-paid legal assistant for decades. Felt very comfortable with my duties, very pleased with the manifold jobs completed, very self-satisfied with the fast pace. No clock-watching at this job. Yet . . .
I was not fulfilled. Not so much with the legal environment as it was about the rigid work atmospheres: driving to work in the dark and home again, in the dark; glass high-rises with windows that did not open; "dressing for success" but it was my brain earning a living; any commute farther than five miles from my house, preferably none! This is evidence how you can be really good at your job--productive, efficient, accurate--and all the while, in the wrong place for you.
Not only did I yearn to be an entrepreneur, but I demanded to be creatively unleashed. To save "me"--the one inside, dying a slow death.
Freedom to work from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., take a nap, and resume again with a workout, breakfast, then charge into creating novels. My own stories. With gifts that served me well in my former career, but will let me soar into my second--fully engaging my soul, my heart and my mind.
My first dream-come-true was landing a freelance copy editor position four years ago with a big NYC publishing house. THE publisher that I felt best matched me and my reading preferences. In line with my own writing, whether short stories or novels, from years long ago, and not-yet-unpublished back then. It still makes me smile and gives me goose bumps as I recount "falling" into this blessing.
My second dream-come-true was uploading the first of now six e-books. Wow! I AM PUBLISHED! You have no idea how fulfilling this is for me and my goals as an all-Indie author. Plus with my book-reading love discovered long before I attended any formal school, it was an obvious direction for me. Which gifts-encompassing talent the copyediting and the creating both utilize.
My third dream-come-true is one still-in-progress. I wish to be a self-sustaining author. Making enough money from just my e-books to pay all my bills--which have been pared down greatly since the inception of my author career. Then my copyediting fees would become the extra monies that elevate me from paycheck-to-paycheck status to the enviable more-than-enough plateau. Can't wait!
And in the spirit of that, I'm redoing my To Do list from a sad rendition of all the glitches that prevent me from uploading about six projects to date, to become a Research Reminder of the answers I am sure to find within the wonderful realm of the World Wide Web. It's all in the mind-set, right?
Wish me good hunting!
Denise Barker, author + freelance copy editor
Good Ole Boys, a love story (e-book)
A Copyediting Checklist for Novelists (e-book)
WANT YOUR BOOK TO BETTER COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR READER? Hire me as your developmental editor (for plot development) or as your copy editor (aka the grammar and spelling police and so much more). WHEN I HAVE PROJECTS, I GLADLY WORK EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. ~~ CREATIVELY UNLEASHED! ~~ Tips and Inspiration from Denise Barker, an All-Indie Author, Blogger and Freelance Developmental Editor/Copy Editor
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